
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Talkative Thursday's Blog Hop

Welcome to Talkative Thursday's - Week 6

Mommy of One

Talkative Thursday's is hosted by Mommy of One and co hosted by Lucas Journey with SPD.

This week's Feature Spotlight Blog is A Spicy Boy, A Cat, and My Fat Ass

You must follow all 3 blogs to participate. 


Link up every Thursday - August 12,19,26 and Sep 2 - and be entered into a drawing to win your button on both our blogs for 1 month.

We also randomly choose a blog each week to feature as the spotlight blog.
  • Follow the blog in the #1, #2 & #3 SPOT.
  • Grab the Talkative Thursday's button, and make a post on your blog, with the button so new follower's know where to submit comments.
  • Submit your URL to the linky  below, please have it go to your new blog post with the button.
  • Follow as many blog's as you want!!
If your a new follower, you can leave a comment on this post and the other host's posting letting us know, and we will follow back.

While your here, you should stop by and meet some more new friends!  ; )

Obviously MARvelous


The Two Savvy SistersBassgiraffe's Thoughts Thursday Blog Hop

4 Responses to "Talkative Thursday's Blog Hop"

Unknown 1 Says :
September 2, 2010 at 9:50 AM

So glad that you are doing this, so I could find your link. I understand what it is like to have a child that can be challenging, as I have 2 boys 5 and 8 who have been diagnosed with ASD.

Kris Hannah 4 Says :
September 2, 2010 at 3:29 PM

Newest follower from Talkative Thursday!
Thanks for the Hop!


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