Saturday, September 18, 2010
I have to say I have never hosted an event, had a fundraiser, put anything together like we have for the SPD foundation in my life. It probably isn't perfect but I did the best I could with the time and struggles that I deal with on a daily basis.
I am beside myself right now!
I aimed really high with our pledge to the SPD Foundation to get 30 sponsors on board and contact the media for our awareness campaign!
I'm here to say, IT WORKS!
I had a member contact me the other day to let me know that right after she sent a twitter message for our event, a very popular, informative parent media person, contacted her about doing a story about the SPD Foundations event and she passed it on to me! (THANK YOU DEB A!)
My whole idea behind doing this event was to raise awareness and if only one person knows about SPD right now because of our efforts that didn't know before my goal has been met! For me and for the SPD Foundation!
I know the people who just had their blogmania can completely relate to the enormity of getting a few sponsors let alone 30 different companies to help!
I am in amazement at the generosity of so many wonderful people in this world! Being involved in something like this makes you realize that the world is GOOD and people are too! You often don't hear about the good things people do, generally its the bad stuff that makes the news. Sometimes things happen and you question it but I've seen it first hand! The selflessness of so many people that I've met over the last few months to get this event together has touched me in ways that have changed me forever!
I never thought so many people would come forth and help our cause like they have. Even more so the amount of people who have helped and have never even been affected by SPD! I sit here and just start crying sometimes at the kindness that I've seen.
We are only TWO (2) sponsors away from meeting our pledge to get 30 sponsors to donate prizes. TWO!
We've had many people donate more than one prize which means we will definitely be holding an auction in October to help raise money for our financial pledge to the SPD Foundation! (Crying again!) The only time in my life that I cried this many happy tears was when I found out that I was pregnant with Charlie and Lucas!
I just can't believe we have over $2,000 in donations! I had been in such a sad place for so long and this event has given more to me than I can ever give to it! I am filled with hope and Love by people that I never expected! THANK YOU!
We have so many people that participated that have never even been touched by SPD! This event touches me so much more because I know that our efforts will someday help my children should they have a child with this! I can't imagine either one of them going through some of the struggles I have with getting them the care that they need! Again, Thank you! I will admit when I first agreed to do this there was a bit of selfishness on my part because of not wanting them to have to go through what I did but now as I look back and see what I received from hosting this event. I can only pray that they meet people in their lifetime like I have by hosting this!
You're an angel!
so glad it's turning out well!