Thursday, May 19, 2011
We were mentioned in TWO articles from Terri Mauro, today at Special Needs Children Guide on!!!!
Love, love, love her!!!! (It's the Jersey in me, sorry! LOL)
She has helped SO many families over the years with the amazing content that she puts out on a daily basis! I can't tell you how many times I sat down at my computer, HOPELESS, thinking that I can't do it and reading her wisdom and stories, made me believe I could! I highly recommend any parent raising a special needs child check out her site Special Needs Children Guide at and her other sites: Parenting Isn't Pretty and Mother's with Attitude! (see what I mean! Just the names of her sites get you going! LOL)
I answered the question: "What Would You Say to People at Church About Your Child?"
From our post, "Christians, Really?", stemmed this post!
Terri has been helping parents for years learned ways to deal with the stresses of having a special needs child! Her sites are an absolute "MUST" go to for some pretty amazing stories, answers, and questions!
Be sure to check out Terri's must have books!
50 Ways To Support Your Child's Special Education, and
The Everything Parents Guide to Sensory Integration Disorder!

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