
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Huggies Found The Cure For Squirmarounditis for good!

Last week I saw the social boards buzzing with Huggies asking parents to share what their nicknames were for their squirmy babies.  I was just too embarrased to say that we call Lucas "The Squirm Monster!"  I know some mom's are going to give me slack for calling him a monster, but if you had to change Lucas you would TOTALLY get why we call him that!

For the last few years I actually thought Lucas had another condition which we like to call, squirmarounditis!!!  He seemed to break out with this horrid condition every time he had to get his diaper changed!

My husband and I would draw straws to see who would have to change him next because of how crazy it is to change him. Not only do have the struggles of what every other mom has to deal with but mom's of special needs kids KNOW what I'm talking about when I say, "you feel like you were in a fight with someone real big, after a diaper change!" These kids are strong! They don't know their own strength and you have to learn QUICKLY how to change a diaper and be precise about your attack!  I am serious when I say that they should have secret ops training for diaper changing a special needs kid!

Well I'm happy to announce that after using Huggies new Slip-On diapers I believe they have revolutionized the struggles that moms and dads all over have had to face for years!!!

They recently introduced the world to the new Huggies Little Movers Slip-on Diapers!!

WAIT before you say it, "Oh great now we struggle ripping it off of them like the swimmers, and pull ups!"    NO MOMS!!!

These are prefastened diapers that slip on, with fasteners that you can pull apart when its time to remove them. EASY as pie for just wet diapers!

So if you find you have a little mess that you need to clean up, You can still change them like you would a regular diaper and still use the skills we've all taught ourselves to occupy that little squirm monster until we get a new diaper on them.

Hang on a second moms, I need to wipe the tears of joy from my eyes...sniff..   I won't question "WHY"  it has taken them so long to give us this brilliant alternative, I'm just happy that they did!!  I feel like the sun is shining down from the clouds and angels are singing to me right now!!!

I will share some of the tips that have helped me with my squirm monster over the last few years that really made a difference in changing his diapers!

  1. I am Always prepared!!  I never attempt to change Lucas without a diaper under one arm, and the wipes under the other!
  2. I have a special toy that Lucas knows is for Diaper Changes ONLY!   This worked for me!  It took some time, but eventually he understood that the only time this toy came out is when he had to get his diaper changed so he behaved for a while in order to change him.
  3. Iphones and Ipads are probably the best thing I've found to keep a child occupied for those two minutes that you need if the toy doesn't work.  By the time they figure out how to get to something your done! (Huggies needs to come up with a special app just for this purpose only!  Email me so I can tell you where to send the check for my brilliant idea Huggies!! LOL)
  4. After every diaper change if he was still, I would tell them what a great job he did standing still to get his diaper changed and how very proud mommy was of him. "Good Job buddy!" 

In conclusion, I have to say that I love that Huggies has given me this new alternative to other diapers!

Not just for the squirm of it but because they are so involved with getting kids excited about potty training!   Lucas loves singing his "I'm a Big Kid Now" and the "Potty Dance" song and it really truly breaks my heart that he's just not mentally there yet to BE like the "Big Kids", that he sees on TV. : (

He want's to be a Big Kid, so I am elated that Huggies has given this very grateful Mom a product to use that will make him think that he's a "BIG KID NOW!"  :(

These new slip-on's are perfect to use in between diapers and pull ups!

Now, until he graduates into that glorious moment when he can sing it and mean it "I'm a big kid now!!" song!  I can't tell you how proud he will be to sing along with them and really feel like one of the other kids!!  Thanks Huggies!  Not only are you helping squirmy babies but you're helping those kids that just need that little extra help in between!

I really think Huggies Slip-ons are the answer that mom's and dad's all over have been waiting for in helping that squirmy worm issue!!!  Diapers are so much easier to slip on and off!!

In addition, I believe Huggies has given our Special needs parents even more with Huggies Little Movers Slip-Ons!!!!!!!

Not many people or companies can give our kids confidence and the ability to feel good about themselves, but I think these new diapers are going to do far more for those who want to be further along and can't be!!

I would LOVE to hear from you about Huggies Slip-On's if you've tried them!  Also, tell us your little squirmy worms nickname!!!  Come on, it can't be worse than mine!

We would love to learn some new tips on, keeping a squirmy worm still during diaper changing, if you have any!

To learn more about Huggies New Little Movers Slip-On Diapers please visit them on the web at: or you can find them on Facebook and Twitter.

I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Huggies blogging program, for a gift card worth $35. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

1 Response to "Huggies Found The Cure For Squirmarounditis for good!"

Tough Cookie Mommy Says :
August 11, 2011 at 5:45 PM

Hi,there. Thanks for passing by and participating in Monday Mingle at Hopefully, I will see you back every Monday.

P.S. Have we connected on Facebook yet?

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