Monday, May 24, 2010
I was invited to join the SPD blogger Network today. It's a bunch of parents blogging and giving information about their lives and struggles raising children with Sensory Processing Disorder, their button is on the front page. I had to write a short description about my blog and it rushed so many feelings to the surface about the craziness of this illness. I can tell you the mere thought of being out in public with Lucas almost paralyzes me. The lights, activity, buzzing, and everything is just always way to much for him to handle. The meltdowns are unbearable. I hope someone reading this who makes buttons takes my advice and starts making buttons that read "I'm not bad I have SPD". The stares and shakes of the head sometimes makes my head want to pop off. This struggle has been a hard one but there is hope. I sometimes forget and feel very fortunate to have other parents to go to who understand what its like to have a child like Lucas. Who've been there. Who worry about how their little lives will be some day.
I have a lot of new things that will be added to the site. It's definitely a work in progress and want to thank everyone who is following Lucas's story. It means a great deal to me and our family knowing you care!
I just joined the SPD bloggers network too, and let me tell you, it has already changed my world. The instant support is amazing, and the cries of "we've been there too!" are enough to help get you through the day. Read all the other blogs and you'll see what I mean.
I love the button idea - I read on an autism message board that a mom would always say "This meltdown moment brought to you by autism!" to others around her when her son acted out in public. Goes for SPD too!
We're all here for each other. Can't wait to read more.
Hi, I'm so glad you joined the network so you can share your story with all of us and realize that you're not alone! We all know those stares, looks, muttered comments all too well...
My son is 3 years old with SPD and we've been immersed in this SPD stuff for the past year when things got really bad. But I want to say that as you research and try various therapies that seem right for your son, connect and cross paths with others, you will see progress- in Lucas and yourself.
I remember clearly less than a year ago feeling overwhelmed, scared, and isolated. But since I began blogging and joining Yahoo discussion groups my outlook has changed.
I still struggle day to day with the challenges of parenting a child with SPD but now I am determined, hopeful, inspired. Hartley Steiner and the many other wonderful blogger moms in the SPD network have EVERYTHING to do with this change.
So welcome and hope to hear more from you soon!